Our Company


COSMOSOLAR Ltd was founded in 2005 by Efthymios Spanos as successor of the company E. Spanos – Skyland Co which was founded in 1985.

In the privetely own facilities of 13,000 m2 in Pylh Dervenochorion, Viotia, produces a big rane of products with moderns production lines. The administration is located at Athens, in 12 Areopoleos Str. Kifissia, while serves directly the Italian market by a branch located at Frosinone.

It has one of the largest sales networks in Greece and strong export activity to countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Malta, Cyprus, Germany, Austria, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Central America, Chile, Uruguay, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., DOM-TOM, Lebanon, Jordania, New Zealand and Australia.

COSMOSOLAR LTD , one of the most dynamic companies in the sector of solar thermal energy produces high efficiency collectors and offers complete solutions for different kind of projects, such as simple thermosiphon or split systems installation for the production of hot sanitary water, solar heating with inertia tanks in combination with all kinds of burners, stoves or heat pumps. Everyhting for achieving energy and economic saving, always though meeting the high demands of the global market.

All products have the required tests ad certifications from the largest institutes abroad and in Greece, following the highest European standards. They satisfy all the requirements of the consumer, always guided by their efficient, economical and excellent operation. The basic philosophy and goal is manufacturing long life span products with many applications: households, hotels, hospitals, large public buildings, schools, industrial units, business premises and anywhere else where the installation of reliable solar systems is required.

Cosmosolar aims at energy savings, pollution reduction, increased efficiency of solar thermal systems and thus to a cleaner environment. Its goal remains to achieve an even greater completeness of solar thermal systems by further expanding its international character.